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Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled the most frequestly asked questions below. If you still have questions or need help, fill out this form or email support@madebyphoto.com.

What is the innovation lab?
For almost 2 decades, Blurb has been committed to building the best offering for the photography community, and in 2024 we want to push the boundaries on physical products. This pop-up Innovation Lab enables us to think outside the box and learn fast, keep core operational teams remain focused on supporting our existing products and services, build an exclusive community for testing and feedback, and provide early access to new products and features. Additionally, this lab allows us to hear from our most valuable customers about what you want to see next on Blurb.com.
Why is the domain madebyphoto?
In 2022 Blurb launched Made By Photo (formerly MDBY) to explore new physical products. Although initially launched as a different brand, the goal was to test products and technology in order to better serve our core customers. Now that the initial product line is set, we are ready to hear from Blurb's most valuable customers about the line.
Can I use my Blurb login / why do I have to create a new account?
Blurb and the Innovation Lab do not share technology or customer data, so you must create a new account with the Innovation Lab in order to order the products.
Can I upload my design or use BookWright?
No, the innovation lab products can only be made through the on-site web editor. We want to hear from you about which products you like best, and we will add those products to the traditional Blurb creation tools.
Where do you ship?
The Blurb Innovation Lab currently ships to the United States and Canada.
I was a Made By Photo customer, have my projects or orders been impacted? Can I still use the site?
Your account and projects have not been impacted by the changing direction of the website. You can still edit, reorder, and start new projects.
Who do I ask for help?
Reach out to support@madebyphoto.com with any questions.